64. The place where speech is infixed is the heart, its repository is the mind, its strengthener is the intellect, its initiator is the tongue, its form is letters, its soul is [its] meaning, its adornment is [correct] syntax and its order is appositeness.
64. The place where speech is infixed is the heart, its repository is the mind, its strengthener is the intellect, its initiator is the tongue, its form is letters, its soul is [its] meaning, its adornment is [correct] syntax and its order is appositeness.
64 مَغْرَسُ الكَلامِ القَلْبُ، ومَسْتَوْدَعُهُ الْفِكْرُ ومُقَوِّيهِ العَقْلُ، ومُبْديهِ اللِّسانُ، وجِسْمُهُ الحُرُوفُ، ورُوحُهُ المَعْنى، وحِلْيَتُهُ الإعْرابُ، ونِظامُهُ الصَّوابُ.