37. Verily the heart has an advancing and a retreating, so when it advances then make it bear the [performance of] supererogatory acts, but when it retreats then make it suffice with the obligatory acts.
37. Verily the heart has an advancing and a retreating, so when it advances then make it bear the [performance of] supererogatory acts, but when it retreats then make it suffice with the obligatory acts.
37 إنَّ لِلْقُلُوبِ إقْبالاً وإدْباراً، فَإذا أقْبَلَتْ فَاحْمِلُوها عَلَى النَّوافِلِ، وإذا أدْبَرَتْ فَاقْتَصِرُوا بِها عَلَى الفَرائِضِ.