34. We have come upon an age of intransigence and an era of ingratitude. In it the good-doer is counted as an evil-doer and the unjust increases in his insolence.

34. We have come upon an age of intransigence and an era of ingratitude. In it the good-doer is counted as an evil-doer and the unjust increases in his insolence.

34 قَدْ أصْبَحْنا في زَمان عَنُود، ودَهْر كَنُود، يُعَدُّ فيهِ المُحْسِنُ مُسيئاً، ويَزْدادُ الظّالِمُ فيهِ عُتُوّاً.

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