29. Fear Allah O servants of Allah; do not put on the garment of arrogance, for indeed arrogance is the greatest trap of the Devil which he grips the hearts just as fatal poisons [rush through the body and] overcome [it].
29. Fear Allah O servants of Allah; do not put on the garment of arrogance, for indeed arrogance is the greatest trap of the Devil which he grips the hearts just as fatal poisons [rush through the body and] overcome [it].
29 فَاللّهَ اللّهَ عِبادَاللّهِ أنْ تَتَرَدَّوْا رِداءَ الكِبْرِ، فَإنَّ الكِبْرَ مَصيدَةُ إبْلِسَ العُظْمَى الَّتي يُساوِرُ بِها القُلُوبَ مُساوَرَةَ السُّمُومِ القاتِلَةِ.