20. Verily I deem myself higher than that I should forbid people from that which I do not forbid myself, or enjoin them towards that which I have not preceded them in performing, or that I should be pleased with their actions which my Lord is not pleased with.

20. Verily I deem myself higher than that I should forbid people from that which I do not forbid myself, or enjoin them towards that which I have not preceded them in performing, or that I should be pleased with their actions which my Lord is not pleased with.

20 إنّي لأرفَعُ نَفْسي أنْ أنْهَى النَّاسَ عَمّا لَستُ أنْتَهي عَنْهُ أوْ آمُرَهُمْ بِما لا أسْبِقُهُمْ إلَيِهِ بِعَمَلي أوْ أرضى مِنْهُمْ بِما لا يَرضي رَبيّ.

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