2. Verily tribulations have certain extents, and the extents have limits, so remain patient until you reach their limits, for trying to find a solution for them before they have passed only increases [and prolongs] them.

2. Verily tribulations have certain extents, and the extents have limits, so remain patient until you reach their limits, for trying to find a solution for them before they have passed only increases [and prolongs] them.

2 إنَّ لِلْمِحَنِ غايات، ولِلْغاياتِ نِهايات، فَاصْبِرُوا لَها حَتّى تَبْلُغَ نِهاياتِها، فَالتَّحَرُّكُ لَها قَبْلَ اِنْقِضائِها زِيادَةٌ لَها.

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