2. Rush towards noble deeds, make haste in bearing the liabilities [of others] and hurry to fulfil the needs of the one who is unaware [of your assistance], your reward will thus be good in both abodes, and you will acquire a great prize from Allah.
2. Rush towards noble deeds, make haste in bearing the liabilities [of others] and hurry to fulfil the needs of the one who is unaware [of your assistance], your reward will thus be good in both abodes, and you will acquire a great prize from Allah.
2 تَبادَرُوا المَكارِمَ، وسارِعُوا إلى تَحَمُّلِ المَغارِمِ، واسْعَوْا في حاجَةِ مَنْ هُوَ نائِمٌ، يَحْسُنْ لَكُمْ فِي الدّارَيْنِ الجَزاءُ،وَ تَنالُوا مِنَ اللّهِ عَظيمَ الحَباءِ.