2. He (‘a) said in his description of hell: [It is] a fire whose burning is intense, its roar is loud, its flames are rising, its blaze is incinerating, its groans are terrifying, its abatement is remote, its fuel is igniting, [and] its horrors are terrifying.

2. He (‘a) said in his description of hell: [It is] a fire whose burning is intense, its roar is loud, its flames are rising, its blaze is incinerating, its groans are terrifying, its abatement is remote, its fuel is igniting, [and] its horrors are terrifying.

2 وَقالَ عَليه السّلامُ في وَصْفِ جَهَنَّمَ: نارٌ شديدٌ كَلْبُها، عال لَحَبُها، ساطِعٌ لَهَبُها، مُتَأَجِّجٌ سَعيرُها، مُتَغَيِّظٌ زَفيرُها، بَعيدٌ خُمُودُها، ذاك وقُودُها، مُتَخَوِّفٌ وَعيدُها.

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