1. Verily tribulations have certain extents that have to be passed so remain in slumber until they pass, for indeed trying to find a solution before this only increases [and prolongs] it.

1. Verily tribulations have certain extents that have to be passed so remain in slumber until they pass, for indeed trying to find a solution before this only increases [and prolongs] it.

1 إنَّ لِلمِحَنِ غايات لابُدَّ مِنِ انْقِضائِها، فَنامُوا لَها إلى حينِ انْقِضائِها، فَإنَّ إعْمالَ الحيلَةِ فيها قَبْلَ ذلِكَ زِيادَةٌ لَها.

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