1. Islam means submission [to the will of Allah], and submission means certitude, and certitude means attestation, and attestation means confirmation, and confirmation means execution, and execution means action.

1. Islam means submission [to the will of Allah], and submission means certitude, and certitude means attestation, and attestation means confirmation, and confirmation means execution, and execution means action.

1 الإسْلامُ هُوَ التَّسليمُ، والتَّسْليمُ هُوَ اليَقيْنُ،وَ اليَقيْنُ هُوَ التَّصْديقُ، وَالتَّصْديقُ هُوَ الإقْرارُ، والإقْرارُ هُوَ الأداءُ، والأداءُ هُوَ العَمَلُ.

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